Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury is a common problem in the sporting population

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury is a common problem in the sporting population with upwards of 200,000 ACL injuries occurring each year. The average patient cost of ACL injury requiring surgical reconstruction and rehabilitation is reported to be over $11,000 per occurrence. The potential for a secondary injury, especially if returning to a sport requiring cutting and pivoting such as soccer and basketball, are reported to be as high as 38% (Grindem, 2016; Kyritsis, 2016; Losciale, 2019; Kaeding, 2015; Webster, 2014; Webster, 2016; Wiggins, 2016; Paterno, 2014). Re-injury not only poses an additional economic burden but also results in an increased rate of developing osteoarthritis in the knee later in life.